Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering (LABOE) Venice Auxiliary Pumping Plant (VAPP) EIR Hydrology and Water Quality Technical Studies

Prepared water resources (detailed HEC-RAS hydraulic analysis from scratch, hydrology, and water quality) sections of EIR for NEPA/CEQA for 0.5-acre auxiliary pumping plant in urbanized area with discharge into the Grand Canal, Ballona Laguna, and Pacific. Addressed prior/concurrent force main/manifold projects for existing pumping plant. Performed Green Infrastructure/LID continuous simulation and design storm hydrology and water quality modeling in SWMM. Developed mitigation plan. Performed hydraulic modeling of coffer dam in Grand Canal. Performed hydrologic modeling of Grand Canal watershed. Performed water quality modeling of Grand Canal watershed. Incorporated resiliency, sustainability and accounted for effects of climate change, sea level rise and tsunami hazards. Models included BEACH-FX and FUNWAVE. Addressed sea level rise and tsunami impacts. Involved extensive TMDL compliance and water quality modeling as project discharged to sensitive stream environment.