California American Water Baldwin Hills Calibration

Performed water distribution system modeling in WaterCAD for pump stations and pipelines. Developed flow testing plan and performed flow testing. Calibrated model and evaluated system issues to pinpoint pressure problems, leaks, and losses. Developed system improvements to solve pressure issues including using altitude valves. Developed system curves to facilitate replacement of booster station. Revised Metropolitan Water District demand allocation in the model. Evaluated arsenic treatment for specific well with issues. Our primary task was to identify the cause of a new water supply issue filling up reservoirs, as well as recommend improvements that were necessary and economical. This required that we update the model and calibrate it using fire hydrant flow testing data. Watearth used this data to locate a general problem area and collected more field data to pinpoint the specific problem. Watearth provided recommendations and supporting data to help them size various new pumping stations within their system. Watearth has adhered to California American Water’s schedule requirements, including initially accelerating the schedule to provide system curves in advance of planned projects. Watearth provided strategic fire hydrant flow testing, updates to the model to include recent system improvements in calibration objects, identification of system issues, development of system improvements, and preparation of various system curves and design recommendations.